Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Causes of Slow Metabolism

Metabolism is a process in which the body converts food and drink into energy to do activities. If we smooth the body's metabolism, burning calories then the body will also be smooth. But if we slow the process of metabolism, burning calories in our body also will be slow.

Many things that make the process of metabolism in the body become slower as age, gender, weight, nutrition and others. But there are other possible causes are rarely known. Here are penjabarannya, as quoted symptomfind:

1. Avoid caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase the body's metabolic rate. According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, consumption of caffeine can increase the body's metabolic rate 4-5 percent, provided that the correct amount consumed. However, it is important to not eat to excess, because it can negatively affect your body.

2. Do not drink milk

A study showed that calcium deficiency has been associated with a slowing of metabolic processes in the body. Research also shows that consumption of low fat dairy products or fat-free will reduce the amount of fat absorption from other foods. If possible, you can eat yogurt for breakfast or lunch hour to meet calcium needs.

3. Skipping meals

Skipping a meal with a reason to trim, actually can cause metabolic processes in the body become slower. Why? Because, the body requires a certain amount of calories each day to support the functioning of the body. So, if your calorie intake is too low, then the body will find other food sources and usually they take it from muscle tissue.

4. Too much alcohol consumption

According to an article written by Dr. Mauro At Pasquale at, noted that alcohol can slow your metabolism up to 73 percent, even a few hours after you finish drinking alcohol. Some research indicates that drinking one glass of alcohol has some health benefits, but more than that should be avoided.

5. Low intake of vitamin D

Vitamin D has long been known as the "sunshine vitamin" and is crucial in helping the absorption of calcium. Spend a few minutes in the sun without sunscreen can give you a good dose of vitamin D, like getting a serving of tuna fish, a glass of milk or cereal. But remember, you should not spend too much time basking in the sun without protection to avoid sunburn and skin cancer.

6. Low muscle mass

Mention the scientific fact that your muscles use more energy than fat. Therefore, someone who has a greater muscle mass, generally tend to have a faster metabolic rate. So, by doing weight training, your metabolism rate will also increase. As an added bonus, weight training will also help increase your bone density.

7. Iron deficiency

Iron is an essential nutrient that the body needs to carry oxygen to the muscles to help burn fat. But many iron deficiency, especially in women who regularly experienced monthly periods (menstruation). This condition can cause people to feel tired, weak in addition will also slow your metabolism. However, iron can easily be found in foods such as meat and green leafy vegetables like spinach.

8. Protein deficiency

In addition to iron, protein also has a vital role to maintain muscle health. Protein can increase metabolism by 35 percent. Therefore, make sure that every food you eat contains several kinds of proteins.

9. Diabetes Type 2

Although the relationship is not known with certainty, but several studies have shown that a person with type 2 diabetes tend to have slower metabolic rates than those without type 2 diabetes.

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