Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gejala Lemah Jantung yang Harus Diwaspadai

Jantung adalah sekumpulan otot berukuran sebesar kepalan tangan. Fungsinya memompa darah yang membawa nutrisi dan oksigen ke sel-sel yang membutuhkan energi serta mengangkut limbah-limbah sel tubuh. Beberapa gangguan pada organ ini memiliki gejala yang serupa dan khas.

Lemah jantung adalah suatu kondisi di mana jantung tidak dapat berfungsi dengan normal atau kemampuannya menurun. Organ ini memiliki otot khusus yang sangat tergantung kemampuannya dari tekanan darah yang ada di tubuh. Jika tekanan darah tinggi, maka kerja otot akan semakin besar. Berbeda dengan otot tubuh yang lain, semakin besar otot jantung, kemampuannya untuk memompa darah justru semakin menurun.

Lemahnya kekuatan otot jantung sangat sulit diatasi. Hal ini dikarenakan karakteristiknya sangat berbeda dari otot tubuh lainnya. Yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengoptimalkan kekuatan jantung agar cukup kuat memompa darah dengan obat-obatan.

Seperti dilansir Ucsfhealth.org, Selasa (26/6/2012), tanda-tanda khas dari lemah jantung antara lain:

1. Sesak napas
Ketika fungsi jantung mulai melemah, darah kembali masuk ke pembuluh darah yang memasok oksigen dari paru-paru ke jantung. Akibatnya, pernapasan menjadi terganggu. Biasanya gejalanya muncul sebagai sesak napas selama berolahraga atau melakukan kegiatan lainnya.

Jika kondisinya semakin memburuk, sesak napas bisa terjadi saat sedang istirahat atau tidur. Sesak napas yang dialami ini akan menyebabkan tubuh merasa lelah dan cemas.

2. Kelelahan
Pada saat jantung semakin melemah, jantung tidak dapat memompa darah yang cukup untuk memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan tubuh. Sebagai gantinya, darah dialihkan dari bagian tubuh yang kurang penting, misalnya lengan dan kaki, untuk memasok daerah yang lebih penting seperti jantung dan otak. Akibatnya penderita sering merasa lemah, terutama pada bagian lengan dan kaki dan mengalami kesulitan melakukan aktivitas normal seperti berjalan, naik tangga atau membawa beban berat.

3. Batuk kronis

Penumpukan cairan di paru-paru dapat menyebabkan batuk yang sulit disembuhkan atau mengi. Terkadang sampai menghasilkan dahak atau lendir yang bercampur dengan darah.

4. Detak jantung cepat atau tidak teratur
Jantung dapat mempercepat denyutnya untuk mengimbangi ketidakmampuannya memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh. Penderita akan merasa jantungnya berdebar atau terkadang denyut jantungnya tidak teratur.

5. Nafsu makan berkurang
Pada saat hati dan sistem pencernaan sudah bekerja keras namun gagal menerima pasokan darah sehat, maka akibatnya muncul rasa mual atau kenyang padahal belum makan. Gangguan ini ditambah berbagai faktor lain dapat menyebabkan berat badan berkurang dengan cepat.

6. Gangguan berpikir
Kadar zat tertentu yang tidak normal dalam darah seperti natrium dan berkurangnya aliran darah ke otak bisa mengganggu daya ingat atau disorientasi. Akan tetapi penderita lemah jantung sendiri seringkali tidak menyadarinya.

7. Penumpukan cairan dan pembengkakan
Karena aliran darah ke ginjal terganggu, ginjal memproduksi hormon yang menyebabkan penyimpanan garam dan air. Akibatnya terjadi pembengkakan atau disebut juga dengan edema. Kondisi ini paling sering terjadi pada pergelangan tangan dan kaki.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cara Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol

Cara Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Kolesterol tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab terbesar untuk penyakit jantung. Sebelum terlambat, lebih baik lakukan upaya pencegahan dengan menurunkan kadar kolesterol Anda.

Ada beberapa langkah untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol, seperti dilansir dari lifescript Senin (25/6/2012) antara lain:

1. Konsumsi suplemen alami

Banyak dokter dan pasien mengatakan bahwa dengan mengkonsumsi suplemen alami bisa membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung. Suplemen herbal yang terbukti dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol tinggi untuk meningkatkan kesehatan jantung, yaitu ekstrak daun artichoke, beras merah, dan green tea.

Dalam sebuah penelitian di Universitas Redding, Inggris pada tahun 2008 terhadap 75 relawan, peneliti menemukan bahwa ekstrak daun artichoke dapat mengurangi kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL) hingga 28 persen, setelah mengonsumsi 1.280 miligram ekstrak setiap hari selama 12 minggu.

Sementara beras merah telah digunakan selama lebih dari 1.000 tahun di Cina. Sebanyak 2,4 gram nasi merah per hari dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL sebesar 29 persen dan trigliserida sebesar 37 persen sambil meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL) sebesar 20 persen.

Teh hijau juga efektif menurunkan kadar LDL kolesterol dan trigliserida, serta kolesterol meningkatkan HDL dengan minum 2-3 cangkir teh hijau setiap hari atau mengambil 100-750 mg ekstrak teh hijau setiap harinya.

2. Makan untuk jantung yang sehat

Jika Anda memiliki kadar kolesterol tinggi, mengubah pola makan Anda dan pastikan itu termasuk banyak makanan yang menurunkan kolesterol. Perbanyaklah makan buah-buahan, sayuran, biji-bijian, daging tanpa lemak, ikan, unggas dan susu rendah lemak, rendah kalori, bebas lemak jenuh dan kolesterol.

Mengurangi makan daging juga dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL. Berdasarkan sebuah studi pada tahun 1999, orang yang vegetarian cenderung memiliki kadar kolesterol LDL yang lebih rendah daripada orang yang makan daging.

3. Penuhi kebutuhan serat

Makanan yang mengandung serat larut adalah gandum, buah plum dan kacang-kacangan atau mengonsumsi suplemen serat. Serat akan mengikat kolesterol dalam saluran usus dan mengeluarkannya dari tubuh Anda.

Cobalah untuk mendapatkan 25-30 gram serat setiap hari atau dengan makan 6-11 porsi buah dan sayuran setiap hari.

4. Batasi makan makanan yang mengandung phytochemical

Phytochemical atau yang disebut dengan pitosterol ditemukan dalam minyak jagung dan kedelai yang dapat memblokir penyerapan kolesterol. Meskipun makanan tersebut baik, tetapi jangan berlebihan mengkonsumsinya atau sekitar 1,3 gram sehari.

5. Perbanyak makan ikan

Lemak ikan seperti salmon mengandung asam lemak omega-3 yang menurunkan kadar trigliserida (lemak dalam darah) dan LDL, sementara itu juga dapat menaikkan tingkat HDL. Makanlah setidaknya 2 sampai 3,5 ons porsi ikan setiap minggunya.

6. Makan kacang

Makanlah segenggam kacang sehari atau sekitar 2 ons, karena terbukti signifikan menurunkan kadar LDL dan trigliserida.

7. Minimalkan konsumsi makanan berlemak

Lemak jenuh ditemukan dalam susu penuh lemak, daging merah dan beberapa minyak seperti kelapa sawit dan kelapa. Sebagai gantinya pilihlah lemak yang sehat untuk jantung, seperti minyak zaitun.

8. Jaga berat badan Anda

Berat badan ekstra di perut meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung terutama jika Anda menderita hipertensi dan kadar gula darah tinggi. Kelebihan berat badan juga cenderung meningkatkan jumlah LDL dalam darah.

Seorang wanita sehat dengan kolesterol tinggi seringkali dapat menurunkan pembacaan kolesterol dengan kehilangan hanya 5-10 kilogram, kata Redberg, San Francisco ahli jantung.

9. Olahraga

Sebuah studi tahun 2009 di North Carolina University terhadap lebih dari 8.000 menemukan bahwa orang yang berolahraga ringan selama 30 menit dalam beberapa hari seminggu dapat menurunkan tingkat trigliserida dan meningkatkan HDL.

10. Atasi stres

Stres yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan kadar kolesterol Anda. Pada tahun 2007, peneliti di Oregon State University menemukan bahwa peserta studi yang mampu mengatasi stresnya, memiliki tingkat HDL yang lebih tinggi.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Vitamin C Kurangi Risiko Asam Urat

Vitamin C kurangi resiko asam urat. Asam urat adalah sejenis artritis yang hanya menyerang kaum pria. Penyakit yang membuat persendian nyeri ini sebenarnya bisa dicegah dengan cukup mengonsumsi vitamin C.

Dalam laporan yang dimuat dalam Archives of Internal Medicine mengindikasikan bahwa asupan vitamin C minimal 1500 miligram setiap hari akan menurunkan risiko terkena asam urat sampai dengan 45 persen jika dibandingkan dengan orang yang cuma mengasup vitamin C 250 mg setiap hari.

Sebenarnya asupan harian vitamin C yang disarankan adalah sekitar 500 mg, akan tetapi dosis sampai 2000 mg masih dianggap aman. Meskipun begitu, tidak semua orang bisa tahan dengan vitamin C dosis tinggi karena bisa mengakibatkan iritasi pada lambung lambung.

Studi-studi sebelumnya menunjukkan hal yang saling berlawanan antara vitamin C dan kadar asam urat di dalam darah. Meskipun begitu beberapa dokter menyatakan belum jelas benar bagaimana vitamin C bisa mencegah asam urat.

Riset yang dilakukan Dr.Hyon K Choi dari University of British Columbia terhadap 46.994 pria yang diikuti antara tahun 1986 sampai 2006 mencoba mengungkap hal tersebut. Selama kurun waktu penelitian itu, 1.317 pria menderita asam urat.

Seperti yang sudah diduga sebelumnya, ketika kadar vitamin C ditambah, risiko terkena asam urat turun. Untuk setiap 500 mg peningkatan dosis vitamin C harian, risiko asam urat turun sampai 17 persen.

Salah satu penyebab meningkatnya kadar asam urat adalah pola makan. Makanan tertentu, khususnya yang berlemak, banyak sekali mengandung purin, bahan kimia yang dalam darah berubah menjadi asam urat. Penyakit asam urat juga berhubungan dengan kondisi tertentu, misalnya penyakit ginjal. Banyak pula obat-obatan yang bisa membuat kadar asam urat meningkat.

Sumber vitamin C terbaik adalah sayuran dan buah-buahan. Buah yang tinggi kadar vitamin C-nya antara lain kiwi, jeruk, cabai, tomat, dan masih banyak lagi.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tanda-tanda Orang Kekurangan Zat Besi

Anda sering merasa lemah dan lesu? mungkin itu disebabkan karena Anda mengalami kekurangan zat besi. Zat besi sangat penting bagi tubuh untuk mengangkut oksigen dan elektron yang digunakan untuk pembentukan energi.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa tanda kekurangan zat besi yang paling umum terjadi, seperti dilansir dari mindbodygreen, Jumat (22/6/2012) meliputi:

1. Kelelahan yang ekstrem

Setelah seharian melakukan aktivitas, orang yang mengalami kekurangan zat besi akan merasa kelelahan. Anda juga akan merasa bahwa tulang-tulang Anda begitu lemah untuk digerakkan dan seperti tidak bertenaga.

2. Sesak napas

Karena zat besi berfungsi untuk membantu mengangkut oksigen ke seluruh tubuh, penderita defisiensi zat besi akan merasa sesak napas karena kurangnya suplai oksigen dari paru-paru ke jaringan tubuh lainnya.

3. Sakit kepala

Kurangnya suplai oksigen di otak juga dapat menyebabkan sakit kepala yang sering.

4. Amenore

Amenore adalah suatu kondisi dimana periode menstruasi Anda tidak teratur atau tidak mendapatkan menstruasi hingga beberapa periode.

Jika Anda mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut, Anda perlu mengonsumsi suplemen zat besi. Anda juga perlu menambah asupan makanan yang mengandung zat besi secara alami.

Makanan yang kaya akan kandungan zat besi antara lain, seperti bayam, kacang kedelai, tahu, buncis atau kacang panjang. Rekomendasi umum asupan zat besi setiap harinya bagi wanita usia 18-50 tahun adalah sebanyak 18 mg.

Satu porsi sayur bayam hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan zat besi Anda sebanyak 6 mg. Oleh karena itu Anda perlu melengkapi pola makan 3 kali sehari Anda dengan konsumsi sayuran, selain itu Anda juga dapat mengambil suplemen zat besi.

Friday, June 22, 2012

How to Prevent Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is a particularly deadly type of cancer, in which a growing tumor in the brain and begin raged. To prevent the disease from developing in your brain, you can do some preventative measures.

Although the main cause of brain cancer is unknown, but by leading a healthy lifestyle and avoid some risk factors can help prevent the risk of brain cancer.

Here are four things you can do to prevent the risk of brain cancer, as reported from onlymyhealth, Thursday (06/21/2012), among others:

1. Avoid the use of chemicals

Chemical and radiation exposure of the chemical potential to damage a person's brain, so you are advised to avoid the procedure for dealing with chemicals.

Chemicals that are familiar with your daily life are used in vinyl chloride plastics, formaldehyde is used as a preservative, and acrylontrile used in the textile industry.

Emission of radiation from nuclear reactors can also cause brain cancer. People whose job requires you to interact with chemical and nuclear, should be routinely tested against brain cancer doctor.

2. Eating anti-cancer

Garlic and foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids help in the prevention of brain cancer. Garlic contains anti-cancer substance that can help control the tendency kenker in the cells of your body.

Sources of omega 3 fatty acids include walnuts and flaxseed oil. It helps the body to increase immunity and ability to fight cancer.

3. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

One of the main causes of all cancers are unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption. This was stated by the University of Maryland Medical Center in the United States.

Cancer can spread to every part of the body, such as lung cancer can also spread to the brain and cause brain cancer. So, avoid smoking and drinking to stop the growth of brain cancer in your body.

4. The use of mobile phones

Many studies have shown that the frequency of prolonged use of cell phones can cause brain cancer. So, you are advised not to take a call over the phones for more than 15 minutes without headphones to reduce the risk of brain cancer.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

10 Habits that Make Immunity Down

The immune system is an important part of one's body to fight disease and infection. A weakened immune system can lead to serious health conditions, such as infection or flu. Therefore very important to maintain a strong immune system, and one way to do it is to avoid the bad habit of following 10:

1. Smoke

Smoking not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but also can weaken the immune system. There are thousands of toxins in cigarette smoke can affect immune cells in the body and impair their function. This is the reason why smokers are more prone to severe respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis and even pneumonia. If you are a smoker and are looking for ways to strengthen the immune system, then you need to quit smoking.

2. Alcohol

Studies have shown the effects of excessive alcohol consumption and how it can destroy the body's antibodies needed to fight the virus-infected cells. Such as smokers, those suffering from alcoholism are more likely to suffer from serious infections and diseases such as tuberculosis.

3. Lack of sleep

Important to get a good rest to ensure your immune system to function properly. When sleeping, the body is able to restore and refuel, including the immune system. If you limit the amount of sleep consistently, you have put yourself at higher risk of infection and serious medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

4. Less training

Not having enough time berolaharaga can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of disease or infection. Research has shown that regular physical activity can help boost the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body to help fight all forms of the disease.

5. Too many sports

Excessive physical activity can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system and can overload the immune system. Remember, enough time off for recovery is as important to the immune system rather than perform an adequate exercise.

6. Stress

If you are wondering how stress can cause serious health condition, the following is the explanation. Stress can weaken the immune system. High levels of stress can create hormonal imbalances in your body, damage the immune system function that can affect the way the body in meyembuhkan injury, and may even cause more serious health conditions.

7. Lack of drinking water

Water is an amazing liquid, which can help the overall functioning of your body, including the immune system. Water has the ability to flush any harmful toxins in the body's immune system. Drinking enough water can also membarikan opportunity for the immune system to rest and help do its job.

8. Not clean

Cleanliness may not affect your immune system directly, but it can prevent infection and disease by eliminating germs and bacteria. If you're sloppy, you will only aggravate the task of the immune system, because your behavior may invite harmful organisms into the body. At some point, these organisms can overcome the immune system that cause disease or infection.

9. Obesity

Scientists have found that obesity can weaken one's immune system. While more research is needed to find a direct relationship between obesity and increased risk of infection because the immune system is weakened. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise perting to apply to people with obesity to reduce the risk of health complications.

10. Too much sun

Briefly bask in the sun by using sunscreen is actually not a bad thing, but the sun too long can cause sunburn. Studies have shown a relationship between UV radiation and damage to the immune system. Excessive sun exposure can also increase the risk of skin cancer.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Soothe Inflammation of the tonsils with Green Tea

Tonsillitis can be experienced by anyone both children and adults. There are various ways one can do to reduce the inflammation of the tonsils is experienced, one with green tea consumption.

Tonsils are located at the back of the mouth, lining the sides of the throat. If there are bacteria or viruses that infect, the tonsils get sick that often accompanied by irritation, redness, inflammation and itchy throat.

Yet the study found green tea may help fight bacteria and viruses, thereby reducing inflammation and calming irritation there, as quoted from Livestrong, Saturday (03/24/2012).

Researchers from Iowa State University said that green tea contains catechins, the antioxidants that can improve the immune system's response to the release of special proteins that attack viruses and bacteria.

Green tea may help enhance immune function to fight bacterial and viral infections that can cause swollen tonsils. And researchers from the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends the consumption of decaffeinated green tea to boost immunity.

Besides green tea can also act as an anti-inflammatory and potentially reduce pain in the tonsils. Antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG may help reduce inflammation in the body including the tonsils.

And green tea has properties to inhibit bacterial growth and helps to reduce and neutralize the bacteria that is trapped in pockets of the tonsils that can cause infection.

Recommended to mix one teaspoon of green tea with 1 cup boiling water and allowed to stand for 10 minutes. To maximize the benefits the immune system and increase the consumption of recommended 2-4 cups of green tea every day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Causes of Slow Metabolism

Metabolism is a process in which the body converts food and drink into energy to do activities. If we smooth the body's metabolism, burning calories then the body will also be smooth. But if we slow the process of metabolism, burning calories in our body also will be slow.

Many things that make the process of metabolism in the body become slower as age, gender, weight, nutrition and others. But there are other possible causes are rarely known. Here are penjabarannya, as quoted symptomfind:

1. Avoid caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase the body's metabolic rate. According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, consumption of caffeine can increase the body's metabolic rate 4-5 percent, provided that the correct amount consumed. However, it is important to not eat to excess, because it can negatively affect your body.

2. Do not drink milk

A study showed that calcium deficiency has been associated with a slowing of metabolic processes in the body. Research also shows that consumption of low fat dairy products or fat-free will reduce the amount of fat absorption from other foods. If possible, you can eat yogurt for breakfast or lunch hour to meet calcium needs.

3. Skipping meals

Skipping a meal with a reason to trim, actually can cause metabolic processes in the body become slower. Why? Because, the body requires a certain amount of calories each day to support the functioning of the body. So, if your calorie intake is too low, then the body will find other food sources and usually they take it from muscle tissue.

4. Too much alcohol consumption

According to an article written by Dr. Mauro At Pasquale at BodyBuilding.com, noted that alcohol can slow your metabolism up to 73 percent, even a few hours after you finish drinking alcohol. Some research indicates that drinking one glass of alcohol has some health benefits, but more than that should be avoided.

5. Low intake of vitamin D

Vitamin D has long been known as the "sunshine vitamin" and is crucial in helping the absorption of calcium. Spend a few minutes in the sun without sunscreen can give you a good dose of vitamin D, like getting a serving of tuna fish, a glass of milk or cereal. But remember, you should not spend too much time basking in the sun without protection to avoid sunburn and skin cancer.

6. Low muscle mass

Mention the scientific fact that your muscles use more energy than fat. Therefore, someone who has a greater muscle mass, generally tend to have a faster metabolic rate. So, by doing weight training, your metabolism rate will also increase. As an added bonus, weight training will also help increase your bone density.

7. Iron deficiency

Iron is an essential nutrient that the body needs to carry oxygen to the muscles to help burn fat. But many iron deficiency, especially in women who regularly experienced monthly periods (menstruation). This condition can cause people to feel tired, weak in addition will also slow your metabolism. However, iron can easily be found in foods such as meat and green leafy vegetables like spinach.

8. Protein deficiency

In addition to iron, protein also has a vital role to maintain muscle health. Protein can increase metabolism by 35 percent. Therefore, make sure that every food you eat contains several kinds of proteins.

9. Diabetes Type 2

Although the relationship is not known with certainty, but several studies have shown that a person with type 2 diabetes tend to have slower metabolic rates than those without type 2 diabetes.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Causes of Underarm Odor

Have body odor can certainly reduce your confidence. Unpleasant body odor usually comes from the sweat in the armpits. To fix this, first identify the causes of armpit smell.

Axilla has an important function to remove toxins, because it is important for the body to sweat. But what about the odor generated?

Experts say the smell is from bacteria that live in the human axilla. But the main cause of armpit odor are the excretion of intestinal toxins that are harmful substances that try to get out, but with the use of deodorant solution is closed and toxic substances are being forced to remain in the system.

In addition, there are several other factors that can cause body odor would, as reported by Livestrong, Friday (09/03/2012):

1. Food
Food can change a person's natural body odor. The most common foods that cause underarm odor such as onion, garlic, cumin and curry powder, which can stay in the body long enough so that when mixed with the sweat will leave a bad odor.

2. Diabetes
Ketones, a chemical that is produced when fat is converted to energy, can cause a bad odor in the armpits. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder resulting in difficulty of breaking up the sugar that the body of carbohydrates into energy, it can cause a person to remove ketones in the urine and sweat, especially in children.

Therefore, children who have body odor should be examined and tested for diabetes.

3. Puberty
When entering puberty, hormones will stimulate the glands in the skin, including in the armpits. When bacteria in the skin mixed with sweat it will produce a bad odor, even in children though.

4. Hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis can also contribute to problems with body odor. Hyperhidrosis is a disorder that causes excessive sweating. More perspiration on the body, making the chance of a larger body odor.

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by several factors. For example, drugs such as morphine, acetaminophen, and some anti-psychotic drugs may contribute to excessive sweating.

Disorders and certain conditions such as alcoholism, gout, arthritis, diabetes, obesity and menopause can also contribute to developing hyperhidrosis, according to the International Hyperhydrosis Society.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Super Foods Antidote Sick

Everyone will want a healthy body. Variety of ways people do to keep his body healthy. Starting from the sport, maintain a diet, to take a multivitamin. But did you know that there are some foods that have extraordinary health benefits. Here are some types of food. By eating these foods, you do not need to rely on the intake of vitamin and supplements just to support health performance.

1. "Wheat grass"

Wheat grass or wheat grass is commonly called a super food. There is strong evidence that eating in the form of wheat grass juice every day can prevent and cure certain types of cancer. Wheat grass high in micronutrient content, such as lysine, vitamin C, calcium, chlorophyll, and protein.

2. Leafy green salad

Many options greens that can be included in your daily menu, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and cabbage. However, it would be nice if you enjoy it in the form of raw vegetables or with steam. Vegetables should not be boiled because it can eliminate a lot of vitamin content. Green vegetables are very good for your health when eaten raw. These vegetables have a lot of vitamin A, C, and K, iron, calcium, and folate. They are also the largest source of fiber.

3. Juice of fruits and vegetables

Consumption of fruit and vegetable juices are the best way to get large amounts of antioxidants. To obtain maximum results, add a few pieces of garlic cloves into the fruit or vegetable juice you because garlic serves as a natural antibiotic.

4. A handful of nuts and seeds daily

Raw almonds, coconut, cashews, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds have good nutritional packaging. Why say nutritious? That's because these types of nuts and seeds contain these "good fats" (monounsaturated) the body needs to lower cholesterol.

5. Eat fruit every day

This method is quite simple and you can do it anywhere. The trick: take a piece of fruit in the bag when you leave for work. However, earlier (before breakfast), eat a piece of fruit or a handful of grapes. At noon, eat your fruits that have been re-take it, and last before bed.

Tips: Always eat fruit when stomach is empty. Pomegranates, grapes, and strawberries is a good one for your fruit consumption because it has antioxidant properties, which can fortify your body from germs.

source : health.kompas.com

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Benefits of Citrus Essential Oils in Soap

In addition to a refreshing aroma, citrus soap contains essential that can provide other benefits to health. Not only rejuvenate the skin, but also as an antidepressant.

Oil produced from orange peel is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory for the skin. In addition, the aroma was able to provide an aphrodisiac effect. So that when applied to the bath, capable of removing toxins from the skin and is a natural antidepressant.

Following a comprehensive review of the benefits of orange soap disitat beresensial Healthmeup, Wednesday (02/14/2012).

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory

Orange oil is a natural antiseptic when used in soap. It may help to prevent sepsis (a disease abnormalities in the blood) and tetanus from wounds caused by iron or metal. It also naturally contains antimicrobial and works as a disinfectant on the wound.

Orange oil when taken internally or used externally to help prevent inflammation. When used in soap can prevent the inflammation caused by a dermatological problem.

Aphrodisiac (afrosidiak)

Citrus essential oils have aphrodisiac properties when used internally or externally. Continue to use soap with citrus oils may have an effect on issues such as lack of libido, erectile dysfunction, and lack of sexual interest.


Orange oil has a detoxifying properties due to the high concentration of vitamin C. Orange juice high in vitamin C are often recommended for detoxification diet. When used on the skin, they can help to reduce acne and other skin problems. Soap of citrus essential oils when used regularly can help protect skin from sun damage and lighten age spots.


Orange oil scent can evoke a strong sense since it is often used for aromatherapy. Orange oil is said to be acting antidepressant, calming nerves and reducing stress. The use of orange oil in the soap can provide a psychological boost when your morning shower.

source : health.okezone.com

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kinds of Foods Lowering Pressure of Blood

You've heard of high blood pressure and hypertension. A variety of things people do to avoid it. One of them is to adopt a healthy diet and balanced. Experts believe that the consumption of foods derived from vegetable (plant) and a diet high in fruits is closely associated with low blood pressure.

Given the importance of the influence of diet on the development of hypertension, the experts who are members of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends 8 (eight) foods that are believed to help lower blood pressure:

1. Celery

A physician and medical director of the Institute of Hipertension Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville, Mark Houston, recommends celery can be a natural remedy for lowering blood pressure. These recommendations are not new. Traditional Chinese medical experts have even been prescribing celery or celery root as a cure for patients with hypertension for more than a century. This is because celery contain phytochemicals known as phthalides. Phthalides can relax muscle tissue in the artery wall, thereby increasing blood flow and in turn lowers blood pressure. Research shows that eating four stalks of celery every day may help in lowering blood pressure. To increase protein intake, add a tablespoon of fresh peanut butter or almond butter - both are known to have a high content of monounsaturated fats (good for the heart).

2. Marine fish

Content of marine fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, known for its benefits in cardiovascular health. In particular, omega-3 to treat hypertension and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, cod, herring, and sardines are one of the best sources of omega 3. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids. The human body can not produce omega 3, so we need to get from the food we eat. Omega-3 acts as a natural blood thinner, making it easier for your heart to pump blood around your body. According to joint guidelines from the FDA and EPA, two to six-ounce servings of fish per week is a safe amount for most people, including pregnant women and nursing mothers. If you bruise easily, have a bleeding disorder or take blood-thinning medication, you should consult your doctor first.

3. Broccoli

Many nutrition experts hailed as a super food because broccoli contains a powerful antioxidant and serves as an anti-inflammatory. Even the vegetables are also quite effective in lowering blood pressure. Broccoli is a food with a complete nutrient content because it contains fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C, all the nutrients that help lower blood pressure. A cup of steamed broccoli provides more than 200 percent of vitamin C you need every day. For optimal benefit you can eat on a regular basis. For variety, you can eat them raw with salsa or hummus, or steamed with olive oil and lemon.

4. Dandelion

For more than a century, dandelion has been used as a drug used to treat various disease conditions and widely used in several countries in Asia and Europe. All parts of this plant is edible, from leaves to roots. In addition to lower blood pressure, this plant is also good for the heart, eyes and skin. Dandelion is a natural diuretic, which helps reduce blood pressure by removing sodium without loss of potassium. Excess sodium in the body can increase blood pressure by constricting blood vessels, while potassium helps regulate it. Dandelion is also loaded with magnesium, which dissolves blood clots and stimulates the production of nitric oxide, helping you to relax and dilate blood vessels so blood flows better. You can eat fresh dandelion leaves in salads, sauteing root, or dried in the form of drinking dandelion tea. Enter a dandelion in your diet as often as you can.

5. Oat grain

Many research showed that consumption of wheat in hypertensive patients may be an alternative antihypertensive drugs, or reduce it by half. Even patients who regularly consumed a variety of grain products tend to experience a significant decrease in blood pressure. Oat fiber and magnesium both have beneficial effects on blood pressure. Regular consumption of oats may destroy existing plaque buildup in blood vessels. Consumption of at least one serving (about three-fourths cup) of whole grain oats per day, or at least six servings per week.

6. Black beans

Black bean can work like a magic potion to regulate blood sugar and lowers blood cholesterol levels, both of which contribute to maintaining blood pressure remained within normal conditions. Black beans are a source of fiber and magnesium solids, which are essential for maintaining healthy pressure. In addition, folic acid content in it also helps in lowering blood pressure (particularly systolic blood pressure) by relaxing blood vessels and improve blood flow. Keep in mind, one cup of cooked black beans provide 256 micrograms of folate.

7. Berries

Berries are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet because of the high content of fiber and antioxidants. Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are the types of berries that have a great ability to help lower blood pressure, thanks to fiber content, vitamin C, potassium, and other plant compounds. A cup of strawberries offers 136 percent of the daily value for vitamin C. And blueberries contain a compound called pterostilbene that helps prevent the buildup of plaque in arteries.

8. Low-fat milk

In a Dutch study with adult respondents 55 years and older, researchers found that low-fat dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt can help prevent hypertension. Modest amount of fat in low fat milk is important because it increases the bioavailability of calcium, making it easier for the body to absorb. In a 2006 study at Harvard Medical School, researchers found that people who eat more than three servings per day of low fat milk showed a decrease in systolic blood pressure by 2.6 points. The fall is better than those who ate less than half a serving per day. So, it would not hurt if you include skim milk, cheese, and yogurt into the daily diet.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Types of Cancer The Most Deadly and Difficult Healed

You know cancer? This disease is one of the world's number one killer. There are over 100 different types of cancer and a variety of causes, ranging from radiation, chemicals, until the virus. But from various causes, there is one thing that is always the same. Cancer is characterized by abnormal cell growth. Cancer are the most deadly and difficult to cure what?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cancer is the number two cause of death in the United States after heart disease. Even when it was diagnosed early and dealt with cutting-edge treatments, the cancer still has the power to kill.

Indeed there have been many successful treatments today and not find some twenty years ago. But the treatment of cancer still remains elusive due to many factors.

Cancer cell growth remains unpredictable and still mysterious in some cases. In fact, after going through an apparently effective treatment, cancer cells are able to hide in some patients and reappears.

Approximately U.S. $ 200 billion (approximately USD 1800 billion) was spent in cancer research since the early 1970's. Survival for all cancer patients in the U.S. also has increased from about 50% in the 1970s to reach 65% at this time.

"We will not be able to achieve progress it is today if the health sciences are not funded. The basis of science teaches us about the mechanisms and effectiveness of drugs. We take that information and apply it to the clinic to find out whether the new ways it's successful in treating cancer, "said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society as reported myhealthnewsdaily.com, Thursday (01/26/2012).

Here are 10 types of cancer that claimed the lives of most of the year 2003 to 2007 according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI):

1. Lung cancer and bronchial
Lung cancer and bronchial cancer is the number one killer in the United States. Smoking and using tobacco products is the main cause. This cancer is most common in people aged 55-65 years.

There are two main types of cancer: cancer of the lung cells of the most common, and small lung cell cancer spreads faster. More than 157,000 people are estimated to die from lung cancer and bronchial in 2010.

2. Colon and rectum cancer
Colon cancer tissue grows in the colon, whereas rectal cancer grows in a few inches in the large intestine near the anus. Most cases start with a small blob of cells or the benign polyps and from time to time to grow into cancer.

Inspection is highly recommended to find polyps before they turn into cancer. Colorectal cancer is estimated to kill more than 51,000 people in 2010.

3. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second most popular in the United States after skin cancer. This cancer can also strike men. There are nearly 2,000 cases of breast cancer in men between 2003 and 2008.

Cancer cells usually form in the ducts that drain milk to the nipple or the glands that produce milk. Nearly 40,000 people are estimated to die from breast cancer in 2010.

4. Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer appears in the pancreatic tissue that help digestion and regulate metabolism. Early detection and treatment are often difficult because secretly and quickly spread. Pancreatic cancer claimed an estimated 37,000 lives in 2010.

5. Prostate Cancer

This cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in men after a second lung cancer and bronchial. Prostate cancer usually starts to grow slowly in the prostate gland, the gland that produces seminal fluid to transport sperm.

Some types of cancer is still confined to the prostate gland, and is more easily treated. But other types are more aggressive and spread more rapidly. Prostate cancer is estimated to kill about 32,000 people in 2010.

6. Leukemia
There are many types of leukemia or blood cancer, and all of them attacking the body's blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow and lymphatic system. Blood cancer resulting in the overproduction of abnormal white blood cells.

Types of leukemia are classified by how fast the cells spread and anything that is affected. This type of acute myelogenous leukemia is the most ferocious and killed 41,714 people in 2003 to 2007. Nearly 22,000 people are expected to die from leukemia in 2010.

7. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

This cancer attacks the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells and is characterized by swollen lymph glands, fever and lost weight.

There are several types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and categorized based on the growth rate and type of lymphocytes affected. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is more deadly than Hodgkin's lymphoma and is thought to have killed more than 20,000 people in 2010.

8. Liver cancer and intrahepatic bile ducts

Liver cancer is one of the most common form of cancer worldwide, but rare in the United States.

This cancer is closely related to intrahepatic bile duct cancer that attacks the ducts that carry bile from the liver into the small intestine. Nearly 19,000 Americans are estimated to die from Kaner liver and intrahepatic bile ducts in 2010.

9. Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women of four numbers between 2003 and 2007. The average age of women diagnosed with this cancer is 63 years old. This cancer is more easily treated but more difficult to detect at an early stage.

Symptoms include abdominal discomfort, urgency to urinate and pelvic pain. Nearly 14,000 women estimated to die from ovarian cancer in 2010.

10. Esophageal cancer

This cancer begins in cells lining the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach, and usually occurs at the bottom of the esophagus.

Men are more likely to die than women due to esophageal cancer between 2003 and 2007. This cancer is estimated to kill 14,500 people in 2010.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tips for Not Infected Flu

Who does not know the Flu? I'm sure almost everyone has experienced it. Many cases of flu that did not have to suffer just because of negligent or may not know how to prevent it. This should be prevented.

Do not joke about the flu. Especially for the elderly, the flu is generally more severe than if they happen to younger people. In addition because their immune system begins to decline due to old age, type of flu virus that enters the body is not necessarily the same.

There are three families of influenza virus types (types A, B, and C). Each type has so many members of his own family.
Temperament family members of each type of flu virus is also not the same degree of ferocity. Some are benign, others malignant extraordinary. Flu is common to attack the European population, for example, unlike in Indonesia, generally classified as a malignant type of flu virus, and often very deadly. Flu outbreak early twentieth century in Spain, swallowing hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Therefore, not all viruses, including influenza virus, no cure antinya, the ultimate key to preventing the flu virus is still there are only two ways, namely by enhancing the immune system and reduce the chances of the body invaded by a virus.

Below are some tips on how to flu threat in the rainy season is not until fall on us. What do I need done?

1. Use a flu vaccine.
For the elderly are encouraged to get flu shots during flu season to come. However, not all types of viruses can be resisted with the flu vaccine.

From time to time flu vaccine enhanced with the content of other types of vaccines by the type of flu virus that was causing the outbreak. However, in addition to different types of virus, not a rare occurrence emerging viral strains that escape the containment effort, so the various types and strains of flu viruses that exist. Not to mention the possibility of changing the nature of virus (mutations), so it becomes no longer a potent vaccine went.

2. Stay away from cold exposure.
Western people dub catch cold or flu as exposure to cold. Indeed, the longer and often the body which is too cold exposure (air, water bath, cooled space, drinks cold, wind), the weaker the resilience of the body, and increasingly vulnerable to easily attacked by a virus (anything).

We know, virus germs can only be countered by relying on endurance. If the resistance decreases, the body's defense will be breached, and flu or other viral diseases potentially going to infect. Only when the body's defenses are strong, the virus that has entered the body will be eliminated and people falling off the flu.

That's because for the body only be boarded by any flu virus, antibiotic drug, the most powerful ones, become redundant because the virus can not be suppressed by antibiotics and the generation of any kind. In addition futile to spend money on an unnecessary, the body already burdened by side effects antibiotikanya.

True influenza cases do not need to be given antibiotics. In Indonesia, the flu is generally considered a disease lightly. People still do the daily activities at work, school, and other outdoor activities.

Flu that had been inhabited only by the virus alone, due to the body in a state already weakened by a virus attack, other germs will easily come mendompleng enters the body, and new diseases emerge. That way, the flu in Indonesia are generally often prolonged, and can even be complicated.

Not infrequently the flu develop into another ENT infection (infection of the throat, esophagus, nose, or congekan), besides the possibility of riders who are infected by germs entering the lungs as well (bronchopneumonia, pneumonia).

It is also the reason why those who have the flu should stay home. In addition to potentially harm yourself, in a state outside the home flu will spread the virus into the air around the patient, especially if you are in the room (which is not designed well-ventilated enclosed) refrigerated.

3. Strengthen the body.
With rest and nutritious food is high during the rainy season, the body is strengthened resilience. In addition to warm the body (warm drinks, warm baths, ointments jerky), select the menu is also highly nutritious, particularly high berpotein (eggs, milk, meat), not enough vegetables mere menu (vegetable nodes).

Westerners are used to serve hot chicken soup for the body exposed in the cold. Avoid shower of rain, a gust of wind, was in the open air. Make us able to choose beverages body warmers (wedang ginger, bandrek, bajigur, or sekoteng), especially after a rain shower body, cold swim, beach tourism.

4. Avoid going to crowded places.
As the rainy season, and many people are sick with the flu, you should not go to crowded places if you do not need one. If you can wait should not visit the traditional markets, supermarkets, malls, movie theaters, terminals, stations, health center waiting rooms, hospitals, schools, party rooms. In crowded places, flu viruses, including other types of viruses, scattered in the air flying, and nasal air we breathe.

5. Reduce smoking and alcohol.
Both types of these substances has the potential to reduce endurance. Smoking "hurt" the mucous membranes of the airways, making the airways more prone to enter the virus. The room is smoky, weakening the condition of the airways of people who breathe it too (passive smoker).

6. Diligent wash hands with soap.
Our hands and fingers can be the source of the attached virus removal from the environment where we do activities, such as offices, schools, and toilets in public places. Studies of this have been done during the SARS outbreak first.

Our hands would touch the bathroom door handles, car doors, elevator buttons, the receiver, sheets or pieces of money, the surface of tables, chairs, and all who touched many people. From there the virus that has been contaminating everything you touch (by people with the flu) can move into our fingers.

People with flu should know better than to go around sneezing and coughing on the tendency of many people, other than duly diligent hand washing as well (because it would have held the nostril and mouth bervirus).

Another person close to the flu patient, speak, and threatened contamination of virus, need more frequent hand washing, and not just hold your nose (nose, clean nostril), or mouth. Get used to using a handkerchief or tissue, to clean the nostril or mouth. Through the second hole that's going cold virus enters the body, including the bird flu virus (avian influenzae).

7. Cleaning nostril every home traveling.
Yes, for travel outside the home, especially during an outbreak of flu season, there is almost no air is not contaminated flu virus, especially in environments that are flu patients. Almost certainly the air we breathe for outside the home, there is her flu virus. Included in the house when someone was sick with the flu.

Any case, much better if cleaned immediately with soap nostril, every time she came to travel, as he repeatedly with a vengeance to-breathe air blew his nose during cleaning. That way at least horde viruses that may already be there mengendon bounced out of the nostril before it nesting, and breeding.

8. Rinse his mouth and not lack of sleep.
The flu virus enters the body through the nostril and oral cavity. In addition to the nasal passages must be maintained clean, your mouth will need a solid defense. For more frequently it's good rinsing.

In addition to selecting steeping betel leaf (no power antisepsisnya), can also use a mouthwash that bought from the pharmacist. In this way we seek to get rid of germs that may have started to settle in the oral cavity, including where the incoming influenza virus.

In addition to gargling, brushing of teeth, especially before going to bed at night. Oral cavity is dirty also weaken resistance. Especially in those who already do not have tonsils (glands tonsilnya been removed), so the guards do not have the oral cavity from the threat of germs. Including those with his teeth are rotten, infected, and root rot his teeth. They are more vulnerable to infection oral cavity.

9. Do it as if breathing.
Yes, the durability of the body also needs more oxygen and more full. If breathing effort, namely by way of a sigh (in the open air) how deeply we can afford, and how long we can hold, will be more membugarkan lungs. The lungs are fit, the more rapid blood flow, and increased local immune system, will be more empowered to be able to get rid of germs.

To refine the result of a breath, accompanied also with adequate exercise and do physical exercises like walking. Physical stress factors, in addition to mental stress, also increase a person's body vulnerable to the flu virus. Excessive fatigue (due to work or physical exercise) is not recommended during flu season.

10. Enough sleep and not stay up.
The challenge now people are often tempted by the lure of so many television spectacle, entertainment, and activities together outside the home at the time interval.

One of the many threats that diseases happen because people now often lack the time lag. Already tired of the bustle during the day, often less time sleeping at night. Instead of nap time (like the first), nighttime sleep is often inadequate.

Conditions less lag, lack of sleep, and sleep soundly not (because of stress, too tired), which adds to the body vulnerable to attack viruses in general, flu viruses in particular.

When you begin to feel the body began to ache, dizzy head, the eyes feel hot, started sneezing and coughing is small, the possibility of early symptoms of flu. That's when the direct taking any brand of cold medicine, and sleep after eating soup or hot drinks. Usually the way it came off the flu.

However, the drug store did not put a halt to power trip when the flu was already heavy. Useless to continue to consume flu drugs only when the flu was more than a week, and the symptoms worse. Mucus which was originally clear viscous liquid has changed color, it means the flu has been ridden by other germs. This is the time for cold medicines need to be accompanied by antibiotics.

In an age of more and more entertainment midnight, try to not always follow your heart, even after the heart of the heart. Those who were suffering from chronic diseases (diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease, cancer) of "weaker" than normal people.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

10 Types of Food Efficacious for Men

Body fit and healthy is everyone's dream. To make it happen, it takes a strong commitment, healthy lifestyles and quality of nutrition derived from the food you consume.

Special for the men, it helps to know the kinds of nutritious foods and nutritious for your body. Below, there are several common types of food you consume, but some may have never known before. But there's nothing wrong, you try to eat them for health:

1. Bit

Bulbs that this one has a very sweet taste than other vegetables. The dark red fruit contains a lot of sugar in layers of rough skin. Why bit healthy? Like spinach, beets rich in folate and betaine. Two types of these nutrients can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​in your blood vessels.

Homocysteine ​​is a compound in the blood that can damage arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. The content of natural pigments - called betacyanins - in bits is a natural cancer prevention.

2. Cabbage / cabbage

Who does not know this vegetable. One cup of chopped cabbage contains 22 calories and a number of other important nutrients. Call it sulforaphane, a chemical that can increase the production of enzymes in the body that inhibit the cell damage caused by free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer. The experts at Stanford University stated, sulforaphane can increase the production of an enzyme inhibitor of cancer is more effective than other chemical compounds contained in vegetables.

3. Guava

Guava or Guava is a tropical fruit that has a complicated structure of acid. The sweet taste of this fruit will taste when you bite the middle. Guava rich in lycopene, a type of antioxidant that can cope with prostate cancer. A cup of Guava juice contains 688 milligrams of potassium, or 63 percent more than that found in bananas. Guava is also known as high-fiber foods. There are about 9 grams of fiber in a glass of Guava.

4. Swiss chard

A half cup of cooked Swiss chard contains 10 mg each of lutein and zeaxanthin. According to Harvard scientists, these two compounds - also known as carotenoids - may protect the retina from damage due to aging. Two of these nutrients, which is actually a pigment, will accumulate in the retina, which used to absorb various types of short-wave rays that could potentially damage the eye. Therefore, the more lutein and zeaxanthin are consumed, the better protection of your eyes.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can help you control your blood pressure, which would affect the risk of heart disease. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states, people with type 2 diabetes who consumed 1 gram of cinnamon daily for six weeks (about 1 / 4 teaspoon daily) significantly decreased blood sugar levels, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Cinnamon contains methylhydroxychalcone polymers, which can increase the body's cells ability to metabolize sugar by up to 20 times.

6. Purslane

Purslane or purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is one of the weeds that grow in plantations chili. Weeds are known as nutritious crops in several countries such as China, Mexico and Greece. In Indonesia purslane is also known to have utility as a refresher, a tonic on the state of fatigue or a substitute for ginseng

According to experts at the University of Texas at San Antonio, purslane contained in omega-3 is very good for heart health. The scientists also reported, purslane contain melatonin - a type of antioxidants can prevent cancer growth - 10 to 20 times more than any other fruit or vegetable.

7. Pomegranate juice

For years known as the pomegranate juice drink, especially popular in the Middle East region. Israeli scientists reveal that men who drank 2 ounces (about 60 ml) of pomegranate juice every day for a year decreased systolic pressure by 21 percent. These habits also improve the blood circulation system. Get used to drink 4 ounces of pomegranate juice because it can meet 50 percent of vitamin C your body eraser day.

8. Gojiberri or wolfberry fruit

Because it tastes sweet, herbal red lights since long been used as a nutritious ingredient that can be added to the dishes of boiled meat, chicken or seafood.

Wolfberry fruits contain beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2, beta-sitosterol (an anti-inflammatory), linoneat acid, and other useful materials. Based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, wolfberry efficacious strengthen blood circulation, strengthen the kidneys and liver and provide moisture to the lungs. Wolfberry is often used to treat diseases "consumptive" marked by a sense of thirst (as in diabetes and tuberculosis), mengarasi dizziness, blurred vision, lack of clear vision and chronic cough.

9 Fruit Plums

This fruit contains neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid, a type of antioxidant that is effective against "superoxide anion radical." Types of free radicals can cause damage to cells, especially that caused cancer.

10. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds may be the most bernutirisi part in the flask. By eating pumpkin seeds, your body needs magnesium to be fulfilled. This is important because French scientists recently found men with high levels of magnesium in their blood have a tendency to 40 percent lower risk of early death, than men with low levels of magnesium. Men should consume an average of 353 mg of this mineral every day, while the USDA recommends at least 420 mg.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Female Hormones turmoil by Age

Hormones have a tremendous effect on the libido. Scintillating sex life is something we all want to have, regardless of age. When intercourse is less satisfying, will affect the physical and mental health.

The relationship between libido and female hormones are always fluctuating. So it's important to figure out how to control the hormonal balance.

How to balance female hormones at different ages?

Here's how to balance the female hormones on the basis of age, as quoted from MSNHealth, Monday (1/23/2012), among others:

1. Age over 20 years

"At the age above 20 years, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are at the highest level. So in this age range is ideal for planning a baby," says Laura Berman, PhD.

Women who are in this age range is usually less know well about their sexual needs. Although women at this age are less familiar with sexual needs, but has a high sex drive.

When it is difficult to control sexual urges, then it can conduct activities that may distract. Activity is one of them is exercise.

2. Age over 30 years

"A woman in their 30s may be at the peak of sexual emotional. Women in this age range clearly knowing their sexual needs, even though estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone began to fluctuate. The key, is still thinking as a woman, sexy attractive, regardless of fluctuations in hormone , "said Dr.. Berman.

After giving birth, testosterone levels will go down very low, and in nursing mothers, the hormone prolactin can suppress ovulation, as well as the production of estrogen and progesterone. Regardless of age, masturbation using certain equipment, in turn, will improve circulation and help balance hormones.

3. Age over 40 years

Women in the age range over 40 years, usually already on the decline of sex hormones. Some experts argue that women's sex drive can actually increase sexual hormones.

Women with decreased fertility if thinking more about sex, or having sexual fantasies more frequent and intense, and sexually active will have a sexual hormone levels are higher.

4. Age above 50 years

"The years of the middle, between 50-65 years is the peak of adult life. National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior found that 71 percent of the 50 people surveyed said the recent experience of sexual orgasm they generate.

Because testosterone and estrogen has decreased drastically, then decreased sex drive after menopause. Nevertheless, it can be done many efforts to help get a satisfying sexual relationship.

Doctors often prescribe very small doses of testosterone along with menopausal hormonal therapy, or MHT. Many women try MHT, which is also referred to as hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

The procedure involves taking estrogen and progestin to relieve vaginal dryness and hot flashes and decrease bone loss.

Opportunity Living Up to 100 Years Could Viewed from DNA tests

Secrets of longevity is still the obsession of the investigators. Life reaches the age of 100 years is considered as an extraordinary achievement. In his effort, the researchers managed to find a way to predict whether someone will reach the age of 100 years or not.

Researchers were able to predict those who reach the age of 100 years with a DNA test or study the genetic signs. Prediction accuracy by DNA testing to achieve 77 percent accuracy.

"The figure of 77 percent is a very high accuracy for a genetic model. But 23% also showed an error rate is still much to be discovered," said the researcher, Paola Sebastiani from Boston University in Massachusetts as reported by FoxNews on Monday (1/23/2012).

This study could also show who is more susceptible to certain diseases and can guide appropriate therapy for patients.

The accuracy of the test increases with age. That is, the older the person undergoing the test, the results of the calculation to see how long until the age will be more reliable. Because people who reach 100 years of age generally do not have a disease associated with old age until reaching the mid 90s.

Scientists hope to isolate this genetic trait may help find new treatments to tackle diseases such as dementia and heart failure.

"Further study of these genetic characteristics may produce a better understanding of the genetic and biological mechanisms associated with aging and disease survival is longer," said co-researcher, Dr.Thomas Perls.

For the moment, research that began in 1995 is focused on Caucasians. But the researchers also plan to extend it to other groups, like the Japanese, who have a large number of elderly.

Previous research in the United States has found that about 85% of people who live to reach age 100 years were women and 15% were male.

"Men tend to be more susceptible to age-related diseases" says Perls.

The findings, published in the journal PLoS ONE this for a while shows that genetics plays a greater role in determining longevity, more than previously estimated.

For the study, researchers analyzed the genes of 1055 Caucasian man who was born in 1890 to 1910 and compares with 1267 people who were born later.

But researchers also saw a healthy aging was still influenced by lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise habits.

DNA or Nucleic Acid Deoxyribo a nucleic acid that stores all information about genetics. DNA is what determines the type of hair, skin color and specific qualities of the man.

The method used in DNA testing is to identify fragments of DNA itself. Or is simply the method to identify, collect and inventory the files of characters typical of the body.

Inside the cell nucleus, the DNA strands to form a unity called chromosomes. Each normal human cell has 46 chromosomes consisting of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (XX or XY).

6 Terrible Effects of Sugar

Sugar is always present in various foods and beverages daily. But too much sugar can increase the risk of a number of diseases that affect health. Eating lots of sugar turned out to be an effect that is quite horrible.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average adult in the United States consume 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, while teenagers consume 34 teaspoons a day.

Here are 6 horrific effects of sugar as quoted from Fitbie, Sunday (1/22/2012), among others:

1. Increase the risk of diabetes

Consuming sugary drinks, such as soft drinks, fruit drinks and sports drinks may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. The results of new studies involving more than 310,000 patients stated people who drink 1-2 servings a day of sweet foods had an increased risk of type 2 diabetes by 26 percent.

Consuming sugary drinks tend to cause weight gain, which is a risk factor for diabetes.

2. High-glycemic diet can cause acne

According to a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, food intake can affect the skin.

High-glycemic foods, such as refined carbohydrates, sugary drinks, and even certain fruits can cause a big spike in blood sugar when eaten.

While the low-glycemic foods, such as whole grains will be broken down into sugar more slowly. So that these foods do not cause blood sugar spikes. The researchers found that those low-glycemic diet experienced a 50 percent reduction in acne.

While the high-glycemic diet experienced a 14 percent increase. The researchers speculate that insulin resistance, commonly associated with eating high-glycemic diet may cause inflammation and production of oil causes acne.

3. Increases the risk of heart disease

Eating excessive amounts of fat are not the only one that increases the risk of heart disease. Sugar also plays a direct role in health. A study found people who consumed more than 17.5 percent of calories from sugar about 20-30 percent more likely to have high triglyceride levels.

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in blood. When you consume more sugar than required, then the excess sugar in the form of triglycerides stored in fat cells. High levels of triglycerides and low HDL levels contribute to atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a condition of hardening of the arteries that increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attack.

4. Increase the likelihood of depression

"Eating sugars and carbohydrates can improve mood, but it triggers the body releases the hormone serotonin," says Teitelbaum.

Excess sugar can affect mood. Some experts believe that insulin resistance may force the release of stress hormones cortisol and GLP-1.

"Behavioral disorders, in general, influenced by the amount of sugar consumed. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels encourage metabolism and mood," said Teitelbaum.

5. Increase the risk of fungal infections

"Increasing the body's sugar levels can help fermentation fungus," says Teitelbaum.

Fungal infections in the mouth are usually caused by an overgrowth of Candida fungus. When blood sugar is very high, the excess sugar in the saliva and urine provides a perfect breeding ground for fungus.

6. Increase the risk of cancer

"The relationship between sugar and cancer is quite scary. Although not proven that sugar causes cancer growth in the body directly, but obesity may increase the risk of developing some cancers," said Bennett.

Numerous studies have shown a strong association between consumption of sugar and increased cancer risk. Women with very high blood sugar levels are much more likely to suffer from breast cancer.

The ideal daily intake of sugar

Upon the recommendation of the British Nutrition Foundation, a limit on daily sugar intake for a normal adult is 90 grams or not more than half a cup.

Number of 90 grams of sugar has included all types of sugar, either refined sugar or artificial sweetener, also derived from food or drinks that contain sugar.

When people eat sugar exceeding the recommended daily intake, the body will increase the release of calcium through the urine, causing dental caries and some serious diseases such as diabetes and its complications such as heart.

If someone is eating more than 100 grams of sugar, it can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill the bad bacteria or viruses in the body by 40 percent. The immune system will begin to decrease 30 minutes after food is consumed and will continue to decrease until for 5 hours.

Due to allergies Emergent Kissing

A kiss is done by the couple involving the exchange of fluids. These conditions trigger allergies, especially in people who do not have antibodies to specific allergens. To be aware that the occurrence of allergies due to a kiss.

The allergist said that brushing your teeth or waiting for a while after a meal can not prevent the occurrence of allergies in some people with known food allergies or medications.

"In some couples, it has sometimes saliva contains allergens despite still brush your teeth or waiting a few hours after eating," said Dr. Sami Bahna, an allergist, as quoted from MedIndia, Saturday (21/01/2012).

Dr. Bahna said allergic reactions that occur after the kiss is rare, usually caused by ignorance of the couple. When symptoms are present, including lips and throat swelling, rash, itching and wheezing.

The experts recommend to mutually open to each other, as well as for couples who have no allergies you should brush your teeth, rinse your mouth and avoid foods or allergens during the 16-24 hours before a kiss.

"However, in some cases these measures sometimes can not help. The important thing is to immediately consult a hospital if symptoms develop and give an explanation that he has an allergy to the treating doctor," said Dr. Bahna.

Dr. Bahna told such cases occur in men 30 years old who has peanut allergy experience anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) which can be life-threatening recurrent. He suffered a swollen lip and itching in the mouth when her boyfriend kissed her and know she ate nuts two hours earlier, although he had to brush my teeth, rinse and chewing gum.

Besides allergy experts also see cases of people who are allergic to chemicals in semen, lubricants, latex or even a pair of semen. Some people develop hives or wheezing due to chemicals released by the body while doing sexual interaction.

"For people who are allergic to the semen of a partner, I recommend using a condom or desensitization immunotherapy or allergy shots. But it can be overcome if known allergy triggers, so there is no suffering," said Dr. Bahna.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

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